Venite a trovarci all'AERO Friedrichshafen 2025 allo stand A5-215

09. - 12. April 2025

Ulteriori informazioni

Conformità ufficiale EASA AMC Part-FCL

Secondo il Regolamento (UE) n. 1178/2011 della Commissione (Air Crew), FCL.050

FCL.050 certificato

Implementare i più alti standard ufficialmente stabiliti per la registrazione digitale dell'esperienza di volo.

Affidabile & collaudato

Fiducia da parte delle autorità, delle compagnie aeree e di migliaia di piloti in Europa e nel mondo.

Tutte le piattaforme

Accedere ai dati di volo in qualsiasi momento e da qualsiasi piattaforma. Include applicazioni mobili native per iOS e Android.

Servizio di alto livello

Attribuiamo grande importanza alla cura e al servizio migliori, che sono molto apprezzati dai nostri clienti.

All-in-one platform. Easy to set up and use.

Know whether you are current at any time.
Compliance evaluated true to the regulation
Your flight record is always correct.
Sign your flights from anywhere.
Invite your instructors by email to sign your flights electronically (they do not need a account).
Add Flight Markers.
Apply Flight Markers to your career milestones: First Solo, Skill Test, Proficiency Check. No more need to write text remarks.

Suitable for all steps of your career


Scopri perché è perfetto per te

Rispondete a quattro domande e vi diremo perché amerete il nostro registro elettronico.

Register one last time for a digital pilot logbook

All pilot profiles covered is designed to accompany you during the whole course of your career, from sailplane student to Senior Type Rating Examiner. Your account covers all aircraft categories as well as FSTD and adjusts to the respective phase of your pilot life.

60+ features

The wide range of features are suitable for General Aviation, Commercial and Air Transport Pilots, likewise. Any specialized operations such as mountain, offshore or other are covered.

Highest compliance guarantees

Strongest ever and most rigorous data validation guarantee an error free record at all times and through any data flows across all flight activities.

Ein super Support! erspart einem das Rechnen und mühsame Korrigieren bei Fehlern. Bei Problemen steht einem ein netter und zuvorkommender Support zur Verfügung.
Andreas S.

More than an EASA approved logbook is the first ever officially approved digital pilot logbook and therefore the safest way to replace your paper logbooks.

Get rid of that paper logbook that can be destroyed, get lost or stolen.

Say hello to an error-free record that is compliant to the bone. Our tool evaluates requirements true to the regulation with reference to the paragraphs involved.

Iniziare la prova di 30 giorni

Easily import your flight experience

We import your paper logbook

Submit your paper logbook as scan or photos and they will be analyzed by our data specialists. Subsequently, if you decide to purchase your personalized offer, every flight and FSTD entry is digitized and imported into your account at full resolution.

Upload your existing Excel or CSV file

Import your flight data from electronic sources into your account on your own. Our import feature validates your data on the run and eliminates any inconsistencies and errors right during the import with your feedback.

Have your data automatically imported with our Auto-Import feature

Our API integrations synchronize your flight data in real-time and as background task. We operate integrations from various OPS, reservation and planning systems such as FlightLogger, Aircraft Info Desk, Air Manager, WinOps, and many more.

The only pilot logbook to cover all steps of your career

Data as stable as the Swiss mountains

Reliability and stability are among the most important virtues of any logbook. With, you can rely on precisely these values and be sure that your data will be stored securely for the long term and remain available in a high-quality format.

All expiries and recencies in one place

Class and type rating validity, airfield refresher trainings, access badges, memberships: Everything you must not forget in one place. Personalise your alerts and reminders so that you are always one step ahead and don't suddenly find yourself at the airport unable to take off.

Keep your independence

Data is valuable, especially in this day and age. Unfortunately, many pilots lose their independence with their own flight experience because they rely on a solution prescribed by their current employer. Avoid falling into this trap and discover your own independent solution with

Up-to-date with

I decided to use because it is really easy to use and user friendly. keeps me up-to-date regarding my licence and flight hours. It's a useful tool for my hour building for my CPL ATPL school.
Markus Schärer

Entrare nella comunità di

Ottenete il vostro libretto di volo digitale certificato o contattateci per una partnership. Saremo lieti di accogliervi in qualsiasi modo.

Diventa utente di

In qualità di utenti di, potete contribuire attivamente alla creazione del nostro libretto di volo digitale, suggerendo alcune funzionalità. Il nostro obiettivo è creare il miglior libretto di volo digitale che i piloti possano desiderare.

Diventare partner

Abbiamo un ampio programma di partnership per le aziende, le organizzazioni e i singoli che vogliono contribuire a plasmare il futuro dell'aviazione. Non importa se appartenete a una grande organizzazione o se siete un singolo individuo. Se volete aiutarci a portare l'aviazione a nuovi livelli, contattateci per una conversazione.